総額_ドルにもなる: run up to $__ 何十種にも及ぶ: come in several scores of varieties 何百万にも及ぶ: run in the millions 示談金を支払う: pay compensation to settle the case out of court 何カ月にも及ぶつらい治療の間: during the months of painful medical treatment 何カ月にも及ぶ手間のかかる治療の間: during the months of painful medical treatment 何カ月にも及ぶ討論の末に: after months and months of debating 何世紀にも及ぶ~に関する対立: centuries-old dispute over 何千ページにも及ぶ証拠書類: thousands of pages of evidence 何年にも及ぶたゆまぬ努力の末に: after years of strenuous efforts 国境を越えて他の国々にも及ぶ: reach across borders to other nations _平方キロにも及ぶ要さい: fortress encompassing __ square kilometers その映画の興行収入は毎週何百万ドルにもなっている。: The movie is pulling in millions of dollars every weekend. 彼の年収は8万ドルに近い: His annual income approximates $80,000. 数百万ドルに達する: run into millions of dollars